Monday 28 November 2011

From Sheffield, With Love

For those of you who I hadn't bored in sounding like a self-important housewife over the past week or so, I shall make mention of this event one last time. I attended the Northern CF Christmas dinner in Sheffield at the weekend. Solves the title mystery at any rate.

In all it was rather good fun, getting dressed up in the ever-faithful dinner suit and sitting round in a very nice hotel in the middle of the city eating and drinking (mostly the latter) with like-minded individuals on Saturday evening. A big mention to Chester branch who sold the most tickets and won a bottle of champers. Just goes to show what happens when you make an effort. However, I do think that the food deserves a few words and I'm afraid not all positive. I did find I was struggling to find the flavour in the soup and in much of the second course. Whether or not the chef was having a bad night or it was just my taste buds I'm not entirely sure. One thing that has come from this weekend, however, is the resolution that I must try to actually spend some real time in Sheffield, having only ever been there once before to visit the university six years ago.

I should also make mention of the accommodation I managed to find. I decided to ignore the two very dismal reviews given on the website and press on with paying the £16 fee for the bed in the dorm room I was to share.  Although the person on duty on Saturday was eager and happy to help, he clearly had little idea about running a hostel at all. A gentlemen with a severe disability was sold a room (the only one with a lock on the door by the sound of it) on the ground floor, however the lock was not in fact in use and a locksmith had to be called. The gentleman did, however, heroically knuckle up the stairs to have a look at the room I was in. Being present at the time, I decided to say nothing on the subject, for fear of being seen to be prejudiced or patronising.

I shall also take some time to mention the sterling work Liverpool CF are doing in the village of Woolton. I was with them and some others from Chester on Saturday doing a leaflet drop before haring off to Sheffield. They're clearly dedicated and with enough support and devoted time and energy, they have a really good chance at turning another ward blue.

That's about it for now. Oh and one more thing; don't judge the Occupy movement too harshly. It's not totally anti-capitalist and its members should actually be listened to.

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