Wednesday 9 November 2011

Through the Looking-Glass

So a lot going on the moment, mostly people taking the rap for the actions of others and a general clearing-up of crap.

The Euro, for example, seems to fuse the two. I am fully behind Angela Merkel and her government in attempting to keep Germany out of bailing out the profligate nations on the periphery of Europe. Hopefully government by technocrat might be the saving grace for Greece and Italy, who are among the worst offenders. Ironically the man who helped the Greeks tell their lie in joining the Euro is now their head of government. I suppose it's only right that the person responsible for the mess helps to clear it up. I cannot speak directly to the man appointed in Italy, save for that he's never been directly elected to the Italian legislature.

It is still my fervent hope that the Euro will be phased out and the EU shown for what it is. This kind of erratic behaviour with meeting after meeting cannot be sustained. The peoples of Europe will surely not stand much more. I will however echo the Telegraph and urge the Prime Minister to gather the other 9 non-Euro countries beside the UK into our own bloc and attempt to show that sustainable economic growth can be achieved on one's own fiscal terms, rather than blindly entering into a currency union which is underpinned by one member's economy rather than all 17.

Our own Home Secretary came under heavy and sustained fire this week for her alleged involvement in the UK Border Agency scandal. The pious yammering which once again emanated from the Labour front bench was entirely sickening. When Red Ed was elected and his Shadow Cabinet nominated, did they then re-set the clocks once more? I know Labour's recent troubles with history and all, but I think that some kind of memory erasure went on. One would certainly think so the way Yvette Cooper went for Teresa May.

It is convenient for new governments to blame their predecessors 18 months after an election. Fourteen years of misrule and they dare to call us out on errors made by officials. Sanctimony and smugness are by-words for this Labour party and it is high time that they remember the difficulties of government and the fact that we are in coalition with a party which would normally be opposed to our policies. Labour was never held to ransom because they had a clear majority in the House; there may come a time they too will feel the sting of compromise.

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